| 23 July, 2010 | We have been thinking lot to find
alternatives to paper and plastic cups, or designs that reduce their
waste, but what said in this post has to be a new favorite.

Designers at The Way We See The World have envisioned picnickers
everywhere using jelloware, an incredibly yummy version of disposable —
or rather edible — cups.

Jelloware re-imagines the concept of drinking, and imparts a new
experience in the way it feels, tastes, smells, moves, and is even
disposed of. The cups are made entirely out of agar agar and cast in
different flavors, such as lemon-basil, ginger-mint, or rosemary-beet,
each specifically designed to compliment a corresponding drink.

Once used, the Jelloware can be simply tossed onto the grass where agar
agar would nurture the plants to grow, making these cups an ideal
substitute for disposable plastic and paper cups.

Really interesting and appealing concept. What do you think? (Nino Guevara Ruwano)

Posted By NINO to at 8/14/2010 09:13:00 AM

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