Wen Gong <wg...@qti.qualcomm.com> writes:

> Hi Toke,
> I have tested with your method for shift 6/8/10/7 all twice time in
> open air environment.

Great, thanks!

> Shift 6:
> wgong@wgong-Latitude-E5440-1:~/flent$ flent -H -t
> "sk_pacing_shift6" tcp_nup --test-parameter upload_streams=1

Just to be sure: You are running this on your laptop? And that laptop
has the ath10k and the modified kernel you are testing? Is
the AP or another device?

I'd like to see what happens when the link is fully saturated my
multiple streams as well. Could you repeat the tests with
upload_streams=5, please? And if you could share the .flent.gz files
(upload them somewhere, or email me off-list), that would be useful as
well :)



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