Grant Grundler <> writes:

>> And, well, Grant's data is from a single test in a noisy
>> environment where the time series graph shows that throughput is all over
>> the place for the duration of the test; so it's hard to draw solid
>> conclusions from (for instance, for the 5-stream test, the average
>> throughput for 6 is 331 and 379 Mbps for the two repetitions, and for 7
>> it's 326 and 371 Mbps) . Unfortunately I don't have the same hardware
>> used in this test, so I can't go verify it myself; so the only thing I
>> can do is grumble about it here... :)
> It's a fair complaint and I agree with it. My counter argument is the
> opposite is true too: most ideal benchmarks don't measure what most
> users see. While the data wgong provided are way more noisy than I
> like, my overall "confidence" in the "conclusion" I offered is still
> positive.

Right. I guess I would just prefer a slightly more comprehensive
evaluation to base a 4x increase in buffer size on...


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