Well, since scanning starts to block the cpu, the bug could be related
to ath5k, but that's not necessarely the case. I'll submit a bug to
It's completely okay if there is no cache and if the scan takes 5
seconds in that case. It is not okay if it makes the system choppy


Benjamin Schindler wrote:
> Interesting. However, I never noticed madwifi taking up so much CPU 
> power. Even the first scan did take about as much time as I reported (I 
> know this is unscientific reasoning, but It's all I can bring up atm)
> the ath5k process goes idle after scan is done. More importantly, it 
> makes my musicplayer skip and flash games started to stutter while I'm 
> gaming (I know, I'm not supposed to play games here... :D)
> Hope it helps
> Cheers
> Benjamin
> Michael Renzmann wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Alex Williams wrote:
>>> "Also I noted that iwlist scan now takes quite some time to
>>> complete (Usually 3-5 seconds). On Madwifi-ng the scan results came
>>> almost instantly."
>>> Scan can not be completed instantly:
>> True. Still the quoted author may be right: MadWifi supports background
>> scanning, the feature is enabled by default at least in the latest few
>> releases. If available, scan results are reported back from a cache that
>> gets filled automagically by background scans.
>> Bye, Mike
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