2009/8/5 shashi raj singh <singh_shashi...@yahoo.com>:
> In my experiments I transmit 10 pkts on ch1, switch to ch6 send 10 pkts
> and switch back to ch1 and repeat the whole process again. same on rx side.
> I use ping to generate pkts.

Packet size ?

> I observed that when I setup the txpower tables for that channel, I receive 
> more pkts out of 10 pkts(actually all of them).

So with the current code you have packet loss but if you set tx power
tables for the new channel before switching on it you
have less or no packet loss ? That's really interesting, can you
please send me dmesg output when ath5k loads ?

> but I observed when I send pkts very fast(when I hav 10 pkts in the queue do 
> dma tx) it doesnt work all the time. I have cwmin,cwmax and aifs = 0 in this 
> case.
> Q. I dont change bands so why not jst disable phy, set channel,set txpwr 
> tabls and reenable phy and wait for basebsnd and snyth to stabilise. since 
> all other settings(rxbuf etc) are the same within a band.

Well once you reset phy you need to rewrite rfbuffer settings, channel
frequency is an rfbuffer setting too (check the comments on the code
to find a link on buffered registers to get a picture) but that's not
the problem, you also have to calibrate it etc. That's why i want a
small init function for phy (to be called on full reset) and a small
reset function that tries to change channel without messing with the
rest of the card (either by doing the rfbus grant thing or by doing a
full init -reseting baseband and writing all settings from scratch- if
that's not supported or if it fails). Note however that you need to
stop tx/rx on pcu etc because since we don't have documentation on phy
we don't know what will happen if we reset phy but pcu keeps sending
data (we might not be able to write rfbuffer for example).

> I also lookd into legacy HAL and found the necessary fucntions. It checks for 
> 2413 and 5413. I will start working on writing a similar fucntion for ath5k.

Check out Sam's HAL too, i think there are some minor differences.The
plan is as i told you to have a small init and a small reset function
for phy, i'll work on this myself but not right now since i have to
check how it works on all cards supported by ath5k before it gets
upstream and i don't have them with me (i'm on another city).

> Thanks!!

Anytime ;-)
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