On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 09:36:11AM +0200, Mattias Guhl wrote:
> Is there a way to verify that rfkill really is disabled? I've compiled the
> linux kernel with "CONFIG_RFKILL is not set" is that enough?

Well, there is a gpio on the card that, if enabled, engages rfkill.
Some people seem to be in the unfortunate state where that is the default
for them, in which case they need CONFIG_RFKILL plus the 'rfkill' utility
to turn it off.  It may be good to try that anyway just to discard that
as a possibility.

I believe there is a link to the rfkill utility on:

I don't have any gear with rfkill switches so I'm honestly not a whole
lot of help in that area.

> If it's to any help, the system is a small embedded platform (ARM big-endian)
> running a openEmbedded linux dist. That might mean that I'm missing some
> vital support software, hotplug, udev etc, but could something like that
> really stop the communication completely?

It shouldn't.  ISTR someone else was using that platform with ath5k.
But there could well be endianness issues in the driver, it doesn't
get as much testing as on intel LE.

Bob Copeland %% www.bobcopeland.com

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