On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 04:16:19AM +0000, Haizhi Xu wrote:
> do I know where the debug message is located. The debug level seems still 0
> after I set the level to 0xffffffff. Is there anything I missed? Can anybody
> help?
> [r...@localhost /]# mount -t debugfs debug /debug/
> [r...@localhost /]# cd /debug/ath5k/phy0
> [r...@localhost phy0]# modprobe ath5k debug=0xffffffff

Hmm - you are trying to load the module after it is already loaded
(otherwise there shouldn't be /debug/ath5k/phy0).  Try:

# echo all > debug

debug messages will show up in 'dmesg' or wherever you have syslog writing
that stuff.

Bob Copeland %% www.bobcopeland.com

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