On 11/13/2009 03:04 PM, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-13 at 12:06 -0800, Gus Wirth wrote:
>> The ath_info utility can be used to read and set various parameters in
>> the EEPROM for Atheros chipsets. But from what I've seen it only works
>> for PCI style cards. Is there some equivalent that works with the AR2316
>> or AR2317 (like in the Mesh Potato) WiSoC chips since these chips have
>> the ahb bus verses the pci bus? Or is there some way to discover the
>> correct address to feed ath_info similar to the way lspci works for pci
>> buses?
> MadWifi sets dev->mem_start to the physical address for AHB devices, so
> you should be able to see it with ifconfig (for the wifiN device).

Thanks. I can see the address using ifconfig, but now if I try to run 
ath_info (which is actually symlinked to madwifi_multi  in OpenWRT) the 
device (an Ubiquity Bullet2) reboots. I don't have a console hooked up 
yet so I can't see any messages which might cause the failure.

So doing this:

# ifconfig wifi0
wifi0     Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 
           RX packets:84 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:219
           TX packets:463 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:195
           RX bytes:11135 (10.8 KiB)  TX bytes:28700 (28.0 KiB)
           Interrupt:3 Memory:b0000000-b000ffff

I extract the address and then do this:

# ath_info 0xb0000000

And it promptly reboots.

So at this point I'm not sure if the problem is in the madwifi_multi or 
if this won't work with a WiSoC type device to begin with or maybe 
something else.

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