On 21.12.2009 11:26 海藻敬之 wrote:
>  Didn't we have to handle CHANNEL_2GHZ case in
> ath5k_hw_write_ofdm_timings() shown below ?
The ath5k gives exactly the same results as original Atheros HAL:

  #define INIT_CLOCKMHZSCALED     0x64000000
  unsigned long clockMhzScaled = INIT_CLOCKMHZSCALED;
  if (IS_CHAN_TURBO(chan)) clockMhzScaled *= 2;
  coef_scaled = clockMhzScaled / chan->channel;

I don't know how the calculations work, they might be explained in the 
referenced patent, but I didn't change their semantics at all.

>  I think we should do. then I made my own patch to hadle it and it
> seemed  to improve the throughput of 2.4GHz. (even still not as good as
> 5Ghz case )
Where's the patch?

Lukas Turek

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