Hi fellow developers,

I have just started to look into Linux and would like to get my hands dirty 
with the ATH5k development.

As of now, I have installed Ubuntu LTS 10.04 and some software packages I 
believe would be necessary for development (i.e. Build-essentials, 
linux-libc-dev and linux-source-2.6.32). The next step I suppose is to download 
the ATH5k source and start to look into the codes. But I have several questions 
in mind and would appreciate if some of you can shed me some light and point me 
to the right direction.

I understand that this version is Ubuntu already comes with ATH5k installed by 
default. My understanding is that I have to first disable it and then download 
the ATH5K source off the internet and work on the downloaded copy instead. In 
that case, may I know how can I unload the default ATH5K from Ubuntu? I tried 
using the blacklist method as suggested by some folks in a forum but I am 
wondering if that will effectively blacklist my home-brewed ATH5K as a result 

Lastly, may I know if theres any online guide on how do I get started with 
ATH5K development for a new developer who has little Linux experience? I'm a 
relatively quick learner, so if theres an online guide somewhere, I should be 
able to follow it through and hopefully get up to speed quickly.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate all the help I can get. Cheers! :)

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