On 2010-06-14 1:58 PM, Ben Gamari wrote:
> On Sat, 29 May 2010 22:16:13 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Strife <piroisl...@yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
>> Sometimes the card stops working all together (cannot scan, connect,
>> etc.), I have to ifconfig wlan0 down; rmmod ath9k; modprobe ath9k;
>> ifconfig wlan0 up to get it started again. There is also no
>> interference in my area as well. 
> I too have been experiencing this sort of failure with my AR5008
> cards. I have a AR5008 rev. 1 card in my server running in master mode,
> which dies about once per day. During this period all stations
> attempting to associate with the access point timeout. Unfortunately,
> there is no useful error message produced by the driver, so I have no
> idea what might be going wrong. The only way to bring the card back is
> to reload the driver.
I would recommend testing the latest bleeding-edge compat-wireless
tarball. That's what I use in OpenWrt, which is getting a lot of testing
specifically in AP mode.

> I have another similar card in my personal laptop, which generally runs
> in managed mode. Here, I experience similar types of failures several
> times a day. The symptoms are almost identical, with inexplicable timeouts
> I'm aware that the Atheros developers aren't actively supporting
> AR5008 hardware but even some hints as to where to begin in debugging
> would be appreciated. I've more than once stated my complete willingness
> to do whatever necessary to troubleshoot this issue yet Atheros has
> remained entirely silent.
There is just too much stuff to do, which makes it hard to find the time
to take care of stability on old hardware as well, especially since
debugging such issues can be very time consuming.

> I would be more than willing to buy hardware based on a newer Atheros
> chipset if there were products available. However, despite the dozens of
> products listed on the Ath9k products page[1], I have not seen a single
> AR92xx-based full-sized mini-PCIe card available to consumers (most of
> the hardware is produce for OEM it appears, a market to which most
> individuals have no access). Meanwhile, AR5008 hardware is cheap,
> available, and works, albeit not with ath9k. However, I would be most
> appreciative of anyone who could point me in the direction of where to
> acquire a newer card compatible with my hardware.
I got myself an Ubiquiti SR-71e, but unfortunately the card seems to
have disappeared from the manufacturer's website. Maybe you can still
find it in a shop somewhere. It does work well for me with ath9k.

- Felix
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