For the following reasons I propose you keep this discussion on the list:

1) This is an international mailing list and there are many many reasons why 
someone would need to make modifications to the bands.
2) It is legal to listen to these frequencies in the US.
3) Educators, programmers and Ham groups or operators may wish read this (thus 
inundating persons with unwanted emails) or contribute to this discussion.
4) It is protected speech and legal to do so.
5) This kind of thing attracts new amateur radio voulenteers.
6) Others may contribute updates after those discussing all are long gone.
7) There is already amateur radio stuff in the kernel that requires a license 
to operate.
8)It is just plain interesting.

Link to FCC regulation:

Enforcing the FCC and other frequency regulations should someone build a radio 
and operate it at the wrong frequency or without the proper license happens 
very swiftly at the time they begin operating and transmitting, not when they 
begin learning or building equipment (including software).
There are many public amateur radio mailing lists that discuss how to build 
and modify radio transmitting equipment, as well as amateur radio and 
electronics books and magazines that show in detail how to transmit at any 
frequency. It is the mission of many ham radio groups to keep information open 
and accessible to all interested in order to attract new members and educate 
exiting ones.

ath9k-devel mailing list

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