Am 29.11.2012 00:50, schrieb Adrian Chadd:
> Hi all,
> I've done an updated build of the ath9k_htc firmware images. I don't
> currently have a HTC setup working so this is just a recompilation of
> the current firmware.
> Please let me know if it works or doesn't work for you.
> The specific two changes from Sujith's last release:
> * Fix the TSF extension logic to correctly extend TSF from 32 bit to 64 bit;
> * Update the embedded runtime OS code to the latest from Tensilica, in
> preparation for open sourcing it;
> I don't plan on fixing any bugs that already exist in the latest
> ath9k_htc drop in the firmware git repository; I just want to check
> that the build hasn't broken any existing behaviour (ie, "made things
> worse.")
> Thanks,

Works without regressions on ALFA AWUS036NHA (Atheros AR9271 Rev:1)

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