On 30 March 2016 at 18:33, sandeep suresh <sandeep.sur...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Hello Adrian,
> Thanks for the response. Regarding your comment, "I don't think you can get
> interrupts based on that, but you can poll the gpio pin yourself "
> In any MCU, we should be able generate an interrupt on rising/falling edge
> of GPIO and execute the ISR. Simillary, isn't it possible in ath9k to
> trigger a rising edge interrupt on BT_ACTIVE and in the respective ISR send
> a packet with power save management mode bit set. Similarly on the falling
> edge send a packet with power save management mode bit reset? Because
> polling for GPIOs every milliseconds will consume too much of CPU and not
> performance friendly for any system.

I know. There's apparently GPIO interrupt support in the ath9k
hardware but I've never used it. All of the register definition should
be there though!

I just don't know if you'll get them if it's being wired as a
BT_ACTIVE pin instead of a GPIO pin..


> Regards
> Sandeep.
> On Thursday, 31 March 2016 1:32 AM, Adrian Chadd <adr...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> I don't know if you can do simulaneous wlan and BT RX - especially
> since WLAN RX sometimes requires ACKs to be sent. :) But for
> multicast, sure. You'd have to check the NIC schematic and antenna
> switch programming to see if you can do simultaneous wlan RX (with no
> TXing, eg RTS/CTS, ACK, etc) whilst also doing BT RX.
> As for BT_ACTIVE -> powersave; I don't think you can get interrupts
> based on that, but you can poll the gpio pin yourself and then tell
> the driver to not transmit and/or enter sleep state. Entering sleep
> state requires that you send some frame anyway to tell the AP you're
> going to sleep.
> -a
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