Walter Underwood wrote:

--On August 30, 2005 11:39:04 AM +1000 Eric Scheid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Someone wrote up "A Robots Processing Instruction for XML Documents"
That's a PI though, and I have no idea how well supported they are. I'd
prefer a namespaced XML vocabulary.

That was me. I think it makes perfect sense as a PI. But I think reuse
via namespaces is oversold. For example, we didn't even try to use
Dublin Core tags in Atom.

PI support is required by the XML spec -- "must be passed to the

The challenge here is that there is nothing which requires that PI's be persisted by the application. In other words, should an aggregator like preserve PI's in an Atom document when it aggregates entries on to end consumers? Where should the PI go? If an aggregator pulls in multple entries from multiple feeds, what should it do if those feeds have different nofollow, noindex and noarchive PI's? Also, is the PI reflective of the document in which they appear or the content that is linked to by the document? e.g. is it the atom:entry that shouldn't be indexed or the link href that shouldn't be indexed or both... or does putting the PI on the document level have a different meaning that putting it on the link level? etc etc

Having x:index="yes|no", x:archive="yes|no", x:follow="yes|no" attributes on the link and content elements provides a very simple mechanism that a) fits within the existing defined Atom extensibility model and b) is unambiguous in it's meaning. It also allows us to include atom:entry elements within SOAP Envelopes which are not allowed to carry processing instructions. -1 to using PI's for this. Let's not introduce a third way of extending Atom... with appologies to Monty Python: "There are TWO ways of extending Atom.... link relations and namespaces... and PI's... There are THREE ways of extending Atom......"

- James

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