> >Second, although less important - even applications which do support 
> >rel="subscribe" will have to implement a fallback behaviour. 
> Arguably, 
> >they already do in some fashion, because a feed may omit the 
> rel="self" 
> >link, so I don't know if this is such a pressing issue.
> >
> >For these two (similar) reasons I think it might be wise to keep 
> >rel="self" in the role that this new rel="subscribe" thing 
> is supposed 
> >to fulfill, and invent a new relationship that can point to the 
> >canonical location of the archive feed document.
> >
> >  
> >
> -1.  self always points to *this* document and is only usable 
> for subscribing to *this* document.  You cannot use it to 
> point to a separate document.

I agree with James. I like to think of it like this:

* = current page/document/feed in a 9 page archive

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
^              ^    ^    ^              ^
rel=subscribe  |    |    rel=next       rel=last
Rel=first      |    rel=self
               |    "current page"     

You should subscribe to the HEAD of the feed (assuming there are
multiple pages to the feed.

Self is analogous to "this" and should be /purely/ (excuse the circular
definition) self referencial.      

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