Yep.. the only challenge with your example is that atom:link's should not contain atom:link's...

Henry Story wrote:

Oh I think I get it now. You want to specify the logo and icon of a resource
on the other side of a link.

So generalizing the suggestion:

       <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
       <link rel="logo" href="/Image5-large.jpeg"/>
       <link rel="icon" href="/Image5-small.jpeg"/>
       <link href="";>
<link rel="logo" href=" atom03-large.jpeg"/> <link rel="icon" href=" atom03-small.jpeg"/>
       <summary>Some text.</summary>

Makes sense to me.


On 25 Oct 2005, at 22:23, Henry Story wrote:

On 25 Oct 2005, at 22:08, James M Snell wrote:

I've been wanting to do the same thing for link elements.

Nice :-)

Let's propose a single solution:

 <x:logo type="{media-type}">{url}</x:logo>
 <x:icon type="{media-type}">{url}</x:icon>
   <x:logo type="{media-type}">{url}</x:logo>
   <x:icon type="{media-type}">{url}</x:icon>

Is the above a single solution, or two solutions? I can't quite tell the

Would they (it?) be equivalent to the following:

       <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
       <link rel="logo" href="/Image5-large.jpeg"/>
       <link rel="icon" href="/Image5-small.jpeg"/>
       <link href=""/>
       <summary>Some text.</summary>

I would think the media type is very much optional here.

Both elements should follow the exact same rules as the existing atom:logo and atom:icon elements.

Do you mean rules, or do you mean semantics? (ie: we just copy and paste the text
from the atom syntax doc, replacing feed with entry)


- James

Henry Story wrote:

I'd like to propose an extension that would allow something very much like icon and logo to be added to an entry, the way it currently is allowed on a feed. I have been publishing entries like this for over a year now [1], and so has James Gosling [2], and other users of BlogEd. It would be really nice to keep
this semantic information in the feed somehow.

Perhaps something like:

<feed xmlns="";>

     <title>Example Feed</title>
     <link href=""/>
       <name>John Doe</name>
       <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
       <link href=""/>
       <summary>Some text.</summary>

Though from what I have said in other posts about relative uris in
extension elements I suppose it would be better to have a new link type.

Any ideas?



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