* James Holderness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-10-27 16:40]:
> I don't see how an Atom processor can do anything useful with
> it (which couldn't be done just as easily with existing
> elements). And if it's not of any use, it seems to be that it's
> just taking up space and complicating the spec.

+1, which won’t surprise anyone.

I managed to miss the fact that this extension cannot be used in
non-Atom documents, otherwise I’d have argued along these lines
before, though I doubt I would have managed anything nearly as

One might argue that removing the Atom-specifity would be another
way out of the current dilemma, but measured against the points
you make it would feel to me like a mistake.

We started with a simple hack – arguably too simple – that
somehow grew into trying to be everything to everyone. In the
process it lost of a lot of semantic “hardness.” This is the main
reason I was never very happy with the dereferencable links; I
still can’t explain what I mean as abstractly as I think about
it, but your explanation for why they’re not useful is concrete

In any case, I would be elated to see this extension shed a lot
of weight and go back to addressing a clearly bounded purpose.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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