On 16/1/06 3:46 PM, "A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Thus, in the same sense I might have elsewhere a collection of
>> images, I have here a collection of atom categories.
> That doesn¹t even work, because this is invalid:
>   <entry>
>       <!-- ... -->
>       <content type="application/atom+xml">
>           <category .../>
>           <category .../>
>           <category .../>
>       </content>
>   </entry>

No, that isn't one entry in a collection of atom categories, that is one
entry in a collection of *bundles* of atom categories. That's as wrong
headed as trying to squeeze *three* images into the one atom media entry.

If I have three categories in the collection, then they would be in three
individual entries.

> An atom:content with an XML media type MUST have exactly one
> child element, so you can¹t do that. You need to wrap those
> categories in something. The manifest choice is atom:entryŠ

If I have a collection of atom:categories, the atomic unit is one
atom:category. So having a collection where each entry has *one*
atom:category in the atom:content element is what I would be trying to do.

If I wanted to have a collection of _bundles_ of atom:categories, I'd
probably need some foreign element to act as the bundling element (eg.

> Which just so happens to be a valid root element for
> `application/atom+xml`. Of course, you¹re pulling in an entire
> train of metadata elements at that point, which will probably be
> completely redundant, so whether that is any help I don¹t know.

I don't want that train of metadata. I already have an atom:entry with which
to carry metadata for that content. (Heh, I could even apply atom:categories
to that content, same as any other content ;-)

The last niggling concern is with atom-format: although atom:content can
contain XML, can that be *any* XML data, or does the spec forbid atom+xml
from there? What will the validator do?


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