Thursday, January 19, 2006, 11:17:38 AM, Graham Parks wrote:

> The correct thing to do is to pick the one provided by default by the
> server when no content negotiation occurs. eg:

>   <content type="image/png" href=""; />

Possibly, but that solution isn't perfect. There is a tradeoff between
supplying an inaccurate type, and supplying no type at all. This TAG
finding [1] discusses the issue quite thoroughly.


The risk in providing an inaccurate mime-type in the content or link
elements, is that a user-agent such as a mobile device, might not
attempt to fetch the content at all if they don't support the advisory
MIME type, even though if they had requested the type, and conneg had
taken place, they could have been served a different type that they
could have handled.


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