The normalized XML that you're seeing in View Source is also accessible from 
the feed APIs, so the XML we generate is a format we expect to support in 

It's designed to be a relatively simple format that application developers can 
rely on in the same way that they rely on APIs in the object model, so we map 
all common elements from other formats into RSS 2.0 (the basis for our native 
format). Why RSS 2.0? Because it's the format used by the majority of feeds on 
the web. Since this is an internal format between the platform and its clients, 
it theoretically doesn't matter what we chose as long as there's no data loss 
(and as long as we document it -- which we're in the process of doing). In the 
Atom case, in particular, we occasionally need to bring Atom elements through 
as RSS 2.0 extensions. 

Any case of data-loss is a bug that we'll address (that's the point of a Beta 
:). If you have cases of sites where there is data-loss, you can either send it 
me, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or post to the feedback wiki where we're 
tracking feeds that we're not handling correctly [1].

I'm in the process of publishing the documentation for how the Windows RSS 
Platform handles each feed format on our blog [2].

If someone does have a particularly complex Atom feed, we'd love to use it for 
our own testing to make sure we're handling all of the Atom-specific data 
correctly, so just send me a link.

As a general statement, if you have question about what IE7/Windows is or is 
not doing with feeds, just drop me a line. 




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Powell
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:29 AM
To: A. Pagaltzis
Cc: Atom Syntax
Subject: Re: Fwd: [rss-public] Microsoft Feeds API Enclosure Test

Thursday, February 23, 2006, 6:37:50 AM, you wrote:

> Does someone who has access to an MSFT system care to take a look at 
> this?

I have been playing with IE7, and it is interesting to see what happens when 
you click on a feed and "view source".

If the feed hasn't been subscribed to, you just see the feed source as you 
would expect.

If you have subscribed to the feed however, you see Windows's internal 
representation of the feed, which is normalised to a sort of RSS2++. I assume 
that this is what is exposed when you use the APIs to access the XML.

(Hmm - giving access to the XML in this way is a brave move, XML has a huge 
surface area for an API, practically any change to the XML produced by Windows 
could break client applications, and I didn't find any documentation for the 
normalised RSS2++ ).

What is interesting is that Atom is handled (reasonably well), by converting 
the Atom to RSS2. The logic seems to replace atom elements with there RSS2 
equivalents and the loss in fidelity is not too great (eg atom:updated -> 
pubDate), and to leave the Atom as-is for awkward

There is definitely some loss in fidelity though.  It would be nice to run an 
extreme Atom feed through the process to see what gets lost.
xml:base appears to get corrupted, and unless the API provides access to the 
baseURI of each entry there is a risk of data loss (as the xml:base at feed 
level may change between polls it therefore needs to be preserved with each 

Does anyone have a bad-ass atom feed with IRIs, binary content, atom:source, 
xml:base, xml:lang, extensions etc for testing?


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