The Feed Thread draft has been updated.

Among various editorial changes, the in-reply-to id attribute is now
called "ref".

I also added a new warning for implementors: "Implementors should note
that while the Atom Syndication Format does not forbid the inclusion of
namespaced extension attributes on the Atom link element, neither does
is explicitly allow for such extensions.  The result of this is that the
thr:count and thr:when attributes fall outside of the guidelines for
Atom extensions as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287] and may not be
supported by all Atom implementations."

There are a couple of typos, most significantly is a ? mark in the
definition of the ref attribute on in-reply-to.  It's not optional.

I am an absolutely terrible proofreader so I'd really appreciate it if
someone could do a quick scan over the current doc to find the typos
that I know must be scattered throughout.

- James

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