Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:
Can't you just ignore them then?  The feed update / last-modified issue
is not isolated to the use of thr:when and thr:count.  As I mentioned in
another note, you end up with the exact same problem when folks use the
slash:comments element but no one seems to mind that.  This problem is
not unique to FTE, nor does FTE make the problem any worse.

What else, in your opinion makes them useless and counter productive?
I'm seriously asking because I really don't see it.


Well to me there is no need to include, or specify, information that
cannot be found otherwise already.
The use case we've identified here is to be able to quickly display the comment count attribute on a web page where you have 10 entries.  We really don't want to have to make 10 extra remote calls to retrieve 10 integers when they are so easily included in the top level entry feed; in fact, should a standard require this, we'd have to shrug and embed the data inside proprietary extensions for performance reasons.

Specifying the way to find how to retrieve the replies resource is a great
idea and I'm looking forward to it.

However, if I'm an aggregator I don't need the thr:count and thr:when
because I will find those information anyway with the following process:

1. I fetch the comment feed and put it my cache
2. I want to know if a new comment has been posted, I won't fetch the feed
containing the entry but the feed containing the comment
   a. No comment added => 304 Not Modified
   B. A comment added => I fetch the feed again and know both the number
of comments and the date of the latest one

This process will happen anyway from the aggregator point of view so I see
little value in the 'thr' attributes overall.

- Sylvain


John Panzer
System Architect, AOL

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