Well I share the concern because while developing amplee I ran into
issues like that. My conclusion was to apply HTTP error handling where I
could and where it made sense and leave the rest to the application
developer using amplee.

For instance return one of the 4xx error code when I meeting the
condition for it (missing Content-Length or Content-Type, etc.)

Since I started this thread I thought about it and I realized that an
APP implementation could not foresee how it would be used and in which
context. Thus it cannot safely make a decision in every use case. What
amplee does is to provide callbacks to the developer who can then decide
how to proceed.

- Sylvain

James M Snell wrote:
> I personally just think it's way too early for us to really be able to
> say much about it.  So far the APP implementations that have actually
> been deployed seem to work rather consistently in that I can get a
> single client (e.g. Abdera) to work with each with very little effort
> and only minor variations (e.g. different auth schemes, some require
> Content-Length on the post, others don't, some reject invalid entries,
> others don't, etc).  Based on my experience thus far, I really don't
> think it is going to be much of a problem.
> - James
> Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Am I the only one pondering and worrying about what the different server
>> implementations will respond to invalid client requests (as, for
>> example, an invalid Atom document)? How can the client implementors be
>> interoperable and compatible with each other and every server
>> implementation if the specification says absolutely nothing about what
>> to expect when something goes wrong?
>> [snip]

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