On 12/10/06, Eric Scheid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The only danger [of defining a new media type] is if someone has
APP per the moving target which is Draft-[n++] ... they should
revise their test implementations as the draft updates, and certainly
update once it reaches RFC status, so no sympathies there.

The impact here is not just limited to APP implementations. If a new media
type is defined, it will undoubtedly appear in other contexts as well. Given
the current definition of the atom syntax, it is perfectly reasonable for an
"aggregator" to treat a single entry as the semantic equivelant of a
single-entry feed. If a new media type is defined, such an application would
end up having to be modified. That's not right... APP is not the only
context within which Atom is used.

bob wyman

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