On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Stef Walter <st...@redhat.com> wrote:
> One of the cool things you can do when implementing integration testing
> is staging the test dependencies using an OCI image. And scheduling
> integration tests in Openshift is also nice.
> For tests that integrate a full operating system, you need to start up
> one or more VMs running that operating system. Tests then interact with
> those VMs.
> It's easy to run VMs from inside of a privileged container that contains
> /dev/kvm. But I want to be able to run full operating system integration
> tests on an Openshift cluster without enabling privileged containers on
> all nodes.
> So I've been playing with this, and hacked together:
> https://github.com/stefwalter/oci-kvm-hook
> This allows use of KVM inside any container running on a system where
> the hook is installed. The use of a hook for this is purely pragmatic.
> A far better solution would be to change kubelet to have a --enable-kvm
> option ... similar to the --experimental-nvidia-gpus support I see there
> [1]. But since changes into kubernetes and then Openshift have a really
> long lead time, this lets us play with this before hand.
> Stef
> [1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/kubelet/


nice work Stef.

You might want to look into kubevirt [2].
It can be used to launch full fledged VMs on Kubernetes - we haven't
tried openshift yet.

KubeVirt adds TPRs to Kube to allow dedicated management of VMs.
But I'm not sure if it will fit your usecase.

- fabian

[2] http://kubevirt.io

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