Hi Spencer,

> I've been looking through the datasheets for various STM8 parts and
> see that generally the memory maps mention a particular stack size
> (512 bytes in the case of the STM8S105), but there is nothing that
> states that the device force some upper bits to particular values,
> leaving you with impression that it could just be a suggestion on how
> to allocate your memory.

I posed the question to ST and they said the following:

"the stack is a 16-bit register (SPL, SPH), freely updateable. It is
reset at power up and system reset to its default value, that may
later be changed by RTL code with the information from linker, or your
own code."

So according to this response there are no limitations on the stack
locations, which tallies with my own findings so far. I can impose
specific limits to the stack regions in Atomthreads, but according to
ST there are no limits to impose. Are you finding that there is an
issue for you?

Best regards,

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