On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:29 PM, mich...@kmaclub.com <mich...@kmaclub.com>wrote:

> On 12/25/2010 08:22 AM, Paulo Cavalcanti wrote:
>> Hi, Axel
>> after fighting against the awkward  sound in F14, when using flash 64
>> bit plugin,
>> which affected mp3 streams from flash (e.g., mpd/ampache), I finally
>> have a patched flash-plugin,
>> which seems to improve the sound a lot (it is working fine for me):
>> http://people.atrpms.net/~pcavalcanti/srpms/flash-plugin-10.3-1.fc14.src.rpm<http://people.atrpms.net/%7Epcavalcanti/srpms/flash-plugin-10.3-1.fc14.src.rpm>
>> Please, follow this thread:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=638477
>> The .src.rpm just applies the solution on Comment 94:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=638477#c94
>> and I really endorse Linus Torvalds' position on this subject.
> Hi Paulo,
> Just an FYI,
> I downloaded the srpm and built it on fc14.  It works fine for me and fixes
> the awful sound problem.
> Thanks,
> Michael
Good to know, thanks.

I also have Linux Torvalds' solution here:


It installs a fixed memcpy in /opt/memcpy and provides a script in /usr/bin
that preloads it to a given program:

memcpy-preload.sh   prog_name   prog_arguments

for instance:

memcpy-preload.sh google-chrome

Booth solutions are equivalent in terms of fixing the 64 bit flash-plugin,
but this one can be applied
to other programs as well.

I also found out that the fluendo mp3 plugin for gstreamer has also been
affected, at least
old versions of the plugin (mine was dated from 2007). Removing the plugin
or using Linus' solution
fixes the problem for gstreamer.

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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