
On Tue, Jan 01, 2013 at 05:57:08PM +0100, Kim Bisgaard wrote:
> I have been able to build mythtv version 0.26 on f17.
> I stated with this src.rpm:
> http://dl.atrpms.net/all/mythtv-0.26.0-291.src.rpm
> added a line to the spec-file with:
> BuildRequires: qtwebkit-devel
> and it compiled.

Didn't you hit on the zeromq issue? Or did you just build for i386?

> Word of warning though I HAVE NOT INSTALLED the resulting packages
> yet. I will probably try at some point - but I have not yet. And I
> might want to upgrade to a newer set of upstream sources.
> I tried the same on a F18-beta box, but there at too many missing
> required packages :-( might find more time later.
> The recipe here just in case somebody needs it more that I do.
> Regards,
> Kim
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