Axel Thimm wrote:

>The firmware in the rpm has been known to work well since 1 1/2 years
>now, and has been downloaded several thousand times by then. It does
>seem like this firmware version being a very stable one.
>The reason the driver recommends other firmwares is that these are the
>firmwares the developers were developing against at that time, and can
>therefore guarantee the driver working.
>Up to date there wasn't an issue, which was resolved by not using the
>firmware in the rpms, but another one, so I hesitate to upgrade the

I used the atrpms firmware without problems for quite a while when I 
only had a pair of PVR-250s.  When I added a PVR-500, ivtv wouldn't 
record any sound on the tuners in the -500 and I kinda remember it 
having problems changing channels.  Switching to the ivtv-list approved 
firmware cleared up all my problems.  I've been meaning to send a note 
to that effect to the atrpms users list ever since I diagnosed my 
problem, but I'm a lame-ass and haven't gotten around to it.  I guess 
there is no time like the present.


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