On Friday 14 April 2006 22:03, Axel Thimm wrote:
> The FC4 bits didn't work for me and when I checked the packages they
> were partly built with FC3 rpms (it isn't possible to use FC4's
> objc). I think there were also no x86_64 packages available. I decided
> to try to get it done properly.

OK, clear.

> If the ogo rpms works for you, then stick with them. When I'll get on
> with packaging I would appreciate testing, but don't break your
> production system.

I only have a test system that I use to test whether software like this is 
useful for my company. Although it is in use by actual users we do not depend 
on the data or it's availability yet.

Once I have the software running on the production system, I will keep the 
test system also up for test purpose.


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