On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 02:15:37PM +1000, Paul Wilson wrote:
> I'm getting some conflicts when I install newer Nvidia package these are 
> only man files but  do I need to remove old package before installing 
> new packages?
> rpm -ihv nvidia-graphics8756-* --test
> Preparing...                ########################################### 
> [100%]
>         file /usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-installer.1.gz from install of 
> nvidia-graphics8756-1.0_8756-72.rhfc4.at conflicts with file from 
> package nvidia-graphics8178-1.0_8178-71.rhfc4.at
>         file /usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-settings.1.gz from install of 
> nvidia-graphics8756-1.0_8756-72.rhfc4.at conflicts with file from 
> package nvidia-graphics8178-1.0_8178-71.rhfc4.at
>         file /usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-xconfig.1.gz from install of 
> nvidia-graphics8756-1.0_8756-72.rhfc4.at conflicts with file from 
> package nvidia-graphics8178-1.0_8178-71.rhfc4.at

Eeck! Yes, for now remove the old package. But the intetions is to
allow coinstallation, so this file needs to get added to the coexiting
set of files.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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