On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 11:13:33AM -0700, Peter J. Duda wrote:
> Trying to install opengroupware-1.1.5-4.fc5.at.x86_64.rpm and receiving 
> the following
> error: Failed Dependencies:
>    libpisock.so.8 () (64bit) is required by .....
> But Pilot Link is already installed??  libpisock.so.9 is the library on 
> my system - this shouldn't matter should it?
> the library is in /usr/lib64
> should it be somewhere else?

libpisock.so.8 != libpisock.so.9

How did libpisock.so.9 get on FC5?
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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