On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 12:47:18PM +1000, Paul wrote:
> How do we correlate your rpm fixes with the Myth SVN site?
> or where is the best way to display current lists of fixes or changes?
> Mostly interested in tracking the changes and/or enhancements with
> current and future releases.
> And with the current I just want to ensure what areas I need to test or
> keep my eye on after the upgrade.
> Basically where do go to lists the changesets for current release?

Use rpm -q --changelog <package> | head to see what your svn revision
is, then go to svn.mythtv.org and check the comitted changesets. Or
subscribe to mythtv-commits and grep for "20-fixes"
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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