Hello Guys,

If I understand it correctly , after installing myth-bijou the idea is 
to delete all video sources that were created under regular myth , that 
includes deleting all channels then define all again . Can you guys 
please explain the idea behind this operation . Also when myth-bijou is 
installed are there any settings that should be changed to take 
advantage of the new software or do we keep the same settings ?
 I had a shot at myth-bijou 203 and these are my experiences :
-I uninstalled the regular myth 203 and just installed bijou 203 over 
the top , then restarted the machine . After machine came up I tried to 
tune in my dvbt channels and all worked OK , then I selected on of my 
dvbs channels and it started OK , but then I noticed that the audio was 
slow (like running a 45 rpm record on 33 ) and about 20 secs later the 
front end crashed . I tried another dvbs channel and that one was OK . 
Then I went through all the satellite channels I had , and some worked 
OK while others - always same ones were not OK ( slow audio and frontend 
crash ) .
- Then I read that people were deleting their video sources , so I did 
that . Deleted all the satellite channels , then the video source , then 
created a new video source , then tried to scan the channels again - but 
no go , could not scan the channels , kept getting parse errors with my 
chan.conf file (which was used to scan channels initially) . Tried to 
scan manually ,that did not work either .
-Then decided that bijou was not working for me , so I re-installed 
regular myth 203 . Re created the video sources , and tried to scan the 
channels again . But again channel scanning was not working . So as a 
last resort went into the SQL database , defined all the missing 
channels by hand from an old table printout . Everything was back in 
again and thankfully working . So spent 8 hours stuffing about and still 
not sure what was I supposed to do , and after a full 360 degrees back 
at the same spot where I started .

Best Regards

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