There was some mention of this in a earlier posting

> is in atrpms-testing, perl-math-round is a new
dependency that I will package up today or tomorrow.
Axel.Thimm at

On 14/11/2009 5:13 PM, Shanon Mulley wrote:
I have a brand new installation of Mythtv 0.22 on Centos 5.4. When I run mythtv-setup, I get the following error message:

mythtv-setup: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/qt44/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN24QXmlStreamEntityResolver13resolveEntityERK7QStringS2_

After some research, I uninstalled qt4 (which uninstalled all of mythtv along with it), and tried reinstalling with the command : yum install mythtv --disablerepo=base

This also failed, giving me the message:
mythtv-setup-0.22-220.el5.i386 from atrpms has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: qt4-mysql is needed by package mythtv-setup-0.22-220.el5.i386 (atrpms)
mythtv-frontend-0.22-220.el5.i386 from atrpms has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: qt4-mysql is needed by package mythtv-frontend-0.22-220.el5.i386 (atrpms) Error: Missing Dependency: qt4-mysql is needed by package mythtv-setup-0.22-220.el5.i386 (atrpms) Error: Missing Dependency: qt4-mysql is needed by package mythtv-frontend-0.22-220.el5.i386 (atrpms)

I'm not quite sure where to go from here. Any tips would be appreciated.


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