On 11/26/2009 12:08 PM, Gabe Rubin wrote:
As many pointed out, adding  "nouveau.modeset=0" at the end of the
kernel line in grub.conf is the solution.  I also specified a VGA
mode, but that caused more problems so I changed that to "vga=normal".
  Not sure if a vga argument is needed.

Its not. And nouveau.modeset=0 isn't strictly required. If you have the nouveau module blacklisted, a newly built initrd won't include the nouveau module, and you can boot w/o any extra params.

I guess I will need to add this to the kernel line each time I upgrade
the kernel.

No. The kernel update mechanism is bright enough to carry args from your existing grub stanza to the new one.

However, as I said above, if nouveau is blacklisted, a newly created initrd (including the one that'll be created when you install a new kernel) won't have have the nouveau module in it, and thus won't need the param anyway.

Also strange, it appears that atrpms script write to
/etc/modprobe.conf to specify the driver version when that has been
depreciated and it should go into /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf.

Or better yet, /etc/modprobe.d/<somethingunique>.conf.

This seems like such a big deal and really surprised that it was so
hard to figure out (I did not see it in the release notes and my
googling did not show it, although obviously others were able to
figure it out).

Its pretty well covered in the rpm fusion wiki, not sure if its spelled out in the ATrpms docs anywhere. Its definitely NOT covered in the Fedora docs, because, well, it has to do with a binary-only driver that Fedora doesn't ship.

I personally don't think that fedora should make it
this difficult to run the nvidia drive and attempt to impose the
nouveau driver upon users.

Um. I'm not even sure where to begin with a reply to this. Fedora ships a functional driver that Just Works, complete with kernel mode setting, dual-head support, etc, and that shouldn't be "imposed" on people? And the Fedora project is supposed to do what exactly to make it as easy as possible for you to install a 3rd-party binary-only driver?

Jarod Wilson

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