Hi there, 

because of all nvidia drivers above 180.51 are extremly unstable with my
9650M GT and unusable, i have installed the atrpms 180.51 in fedora 11.
Newer nvidia windows drivers are unstable with this hardware, too!

I'm not alone with this problem.

Yesterday i've done a fresh install of fedora 12 and today i'm trying
installing the nvidia-graphics180.51 atrpms package, but the kernel
module rpm is missing.

Fehler: Fehlende Abhängigkeit:
nvidia-graphics180.51-kmdl-1:180.51-112.fc12 wird benötigt von Paket
1:nvidia-graphics180.51-180.51-112.fc12.x86_64 (atrpms)

I would be very glad if someone can point me how to build this package
or where i can find it.

Thank you very much. 


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