On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Mark Goldberg <marklgoldb...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm trying to build alsa 10.0.22 kmdl and driver on FC10 using
> alsa-driver-1.0.21-80.src.rpm
> and modifying it to use the 10.0.22 tarball. One of the patches did
> not apply, and commented
> it out. I also tried with none of the patches.
> There are three issues:
> If I just do a rpmbuild -bb alsa-driver.spec it gets a max recursion error.
> If I do a rpmbuild --define "kmdl_kernelsrcdir
> /usr/src/kernels/<kernelname>" -bb alsa-driver.spec
> it only builds alsa-kmdl-<kernelname>.fc10-1.0.22-80.fc10.x86_64.rpm
> and alsa-kmdl-<kernelname>.fc10-debuginfo-1.0.22-80.fc10.x86_64.rpm, not an
> alsa-driver rpm.
> If I boot using the newly built modules, none of them load, either a
> kernel oops or other errors result.
> I know the max recursion error was discussed before, but is anything
> known about the other issues
> listed?
I had a similar problem trying alsa 1.0.21 on RHEL5.
Therefore, it is possible that alsa 1.0.22 does not work on F10.
I will try it tomorrow to see whether it woks or not for me.

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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