On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:39 AM, john bray <j...@johnbray.name> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-04-05 at 22:34 +0300, Axel Thimm wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 09:24:43PM +1000, auric wrote:
> > > Means the current method of having multiple nvidia drivers installed
> and
> > > selecting between then via sym link won't work any longer.
> >
> > Hm, that's not nice. But OTOH the driver releases have been more
> > stable in the last years, and downgrading to a previous driver isn't
> > that difficult anymore either due to yum/smart/apt improvements in
> > this time.
> >
> > So maybe its time to drop the multiple drivers. (The concurrent
> > installs of them that is)
> >
> > Thoughts anyone?
> i always keep a kernel or two back.  and i've been keeping the nvidia
> driver version that matches the kmdl for that kernel.
> if the kernel changes at the same time as the nvidia driver, and we
> can't keep multiple versions, there's no way to go back a kernel.
> i find that pretty disconcerting.
> i wonder if nvidia graphics switch could be set to mv the unused nvidia
> driver tree/subtree out where it's not a problem?  and then swap them
> when one uses nvidia graphics switch to change to the/another version?

Hi, John

I did not suffer this problem of loading the wrong kmdl in none of my
yet (F10, F11 and F12). But even if it occurs, the only limitation is that
one can not keep more than one kmdl installed for the same kernel.

Therefore, you can always uninstall the current kmdl and install a previous
one and reboot, as long you save the corresponding kmdl rpm. Of course,
at least one kmdl of each version must be on the system, so the libs are not
uninstalled. But if you have several kernels installed, this should not be a
(I always keep 3 or 4 kernels).

In my case, I also need the devel rpms, and they do not support multiple
versions, anyway. As a consequence, every time I upgrade the nvidia stuff I
have to remove and install some rpms manually. This problem has never
allowed me a to do a clean nvidia upgrade in all those years.

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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