On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:25:17PM -0700, Mark Goldberg wrote:
> Yeechang Lee says:
> >No, it is still 0.22-fixes. Axel won't switch until 0.23 is actually
> >out.
> I went to the ATrpms website for F12 and there are:
> mythtv                (Testing)
> mythtv-0.21   (Stable)
> mythtv-0.22   (Stable)
> mythtv-0.24   (Bleeding)
> mythtv-bijou  (Testing)
> and mythtv now says:
> Apr 09 13:46:30 CEST 2010     
> mythtv-0.23-230_rc2_r24029.fc12.x86_64.rpm  - A personal video
> recorder (PVR) application
> http://www.mythtv.org/
> Name  : mythtv
> Version       : 0.23
> Release       : 230_rc2_r24029.fc12
> I did not actually download it.

But you enabled atrpms-testing, or not?

See also
# repoquery --enabler=atrpms-\* -q mythtv --show-duplicates --qf "%-20{repoid} 
atrpms               mythtv-0.22-229.fc12
atrpms               mythtv-0.22-228.fc12
atrpms               mythtv-0.21-213.fc12
atrpms-bleeding      mythtv-0.24-230_trunk_r24030.fc12
atrpms-testing       mythtv-0.22-228.fc12_bijou20100323
atrpms-testing       mythtv-0.23-230_rc2_r24029.fc12
atrpms-testing       mythtv-0.23-229_trunk_r23817.fc12

(for new builds I always keep he previous known working one in the repo)
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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