
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:09:33AM -0400, sdkovacs wrote:
> I updated to mythtv-0.23 the other day. Today I ran a yum update
> again, and it's looking to upgrade 0.22 libraries that hung around
> after the upgrade. I can do a yum remove libmyth\*-0.22, but I'm
> wondering why those libraries were not removed as part of the yum
> update.

that is general policy which doesn't really apply to mythtv: Libs are
packaged in a forward compatible way so that if an application still
needs libfoo-1.0.so.2.3 the next update with libfoo-1.1.so.4.5 doesn't
break it. It leaves unused packages behind which you can identify with

rpm -q --whatprovides shared-library-package

You can also use package-cleanup with some options to identify and
remove these packages.

The libs with old sonames do not hurt other that taking away hdd space.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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