
Here is what I have done to stay on mythtv 0.24, if anyone wants to do the same. I would like to hear any ideas/corrections to do it more elegantly that what I have done, because that was laborious ;-) The situation I'm in is also unstable, in that, it prefers to upgrade to 0.25 :-(

First I did an yum install of all mythtv packages *already* installed on my system, noting f anything would bring in 0.25 packages. The process was much like:
rpm -qa myth\* | sed 's/0.24.2-281/0.24.3-282/g' | xargs yum install

I noticed that there where some 0.24 libraries still wanting to update, so I did that:
yum update libmyth\*-0.24_0

Still there where some libraries wanting to upgrade, but insisting on upgrading to 0.25. Those I did with: yum install libmythavcodec52-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythavcore0-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythavdevice52-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythavfilter1-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythavformat52-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythavutil50-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythpostproc51-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686 libmythswscale0-0.24.3-282.fc16.i686

My reason for staying on 0.24 for the time being is until I hear how 0.25 fares with AMD/ATI graphics, and which driver one needs (radeon or catalyst)
Hope it helps someone.


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