I thought I'd start here, then move to mythtv-users and then only as a horrible last resort try Comcast tech-support.

I lost one of my Comcast channels on my HDHR Prime. Channel 805 H2HD *was* recording fine and now records with sort of a broken black field and occasional bits of the sound and some noise. This actually happened some weeks ago but I wanted to wait until I upgraded to 0.24.3-282 (which is as far as I can go on CentOS-5 for now) to see if it was some kind of codec problem.

Checking the channel from the command line with hdhomerun_config still shows the channel subscribed and cci unrestricted:

$ hdhomerun_config 1310D399 set /tuner2/vchannel 805
$ hdhomerun_config 1310D399 get /tuner2/vstatus
vch=805 name=H2 HD auth=subscribed cci=unrestricted cgms=n/a

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Kirk Bocek

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