Fedor Pikus <fpi...@gmail.com> says:
> Yes, 0.25 is out, sadly. I wish I could upgrade to centos 6 with yum.

Since yum isn't available for upgrades, the way I recently upgraded
two CentOS 5 systems was:

1) do a full backup just in case
2) identify enough free space on the drive for installing the root
   partition of the new OS; this can be a LVM volume or not. 10GB is
   the realistic minimum. The RHEL/CentOS installer can resize
   ext3/ext4 LVM logical volumes and non-LVM partitions during
   installation if needed, but anything more complicated with
   partitioning should be done before installing.
3a) if preserving bootable access to the old system for the time being
   is vital, identify more free space (cannot be in a LVM volume;
   100MB minimum) for /boot for the new OS.
3b) if preserving bootable access to the old system is not vital,
    reuse its /boot partition.
4) reuse the old /home partition/volume. Any swap partition can also
   be reused.
5) install the OS. Choose the custom disk layout to use the above
   partitioning choices and to tell the new OS which existing
   partitions to mount/reuse.
6) if the old boot partition was saved, when the system is rebooted it
   will still boot into the old OS. Add the following to

        title CentOS 6
              # the following should be the new OS's boot partition
              rootnoverify (hd0,1)
              chainloader +1

   The old GRUB will thus boot the new GRUB.
7) to copy over configuration files from the old OS, do the following
   in the new OS:

      mkdir /mnt/oldroot

   then add the following to /etc/fstab:

      /dev/oldrootpartitionname /mnt/oldroot ext3 defaults,noatime,ro 1 1

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