On 10/25/2012 11:04 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

I mentioned this on mythtv users, but it might be useful here.

There's a mythweb package for 0.26. If it's used with mythtv 0.25 the programme times are wrong because 0.26 uses UTC and 0.25 uses local time.

But also, the changelog of the mythweb 0.26 shows a simultaneous build of mythweb 0.25.3. This hasn't appeared in the repo, and all packages for 0.25* have disappeared. I suppose this means that there was a problem - and we must hope that Axel will sort it out :-)

John P

The inner clockworks of the ATrpms build machine are vast, mysterious and not to be questioned by the likes of my sort. I hope I sacrificed that goat correctly.

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