On 01/12/12 17:26, Jason Anderson wrote:
Hi, I got the below error when trying to yum update mythtv from 0.25.3-290.  It 
happened on all 3 of my boxes.  Is there a way to prevent this by changing the 
packaging of 0.26.0-1?  I was able to work around it with 'rpm -e mythtv-themes 
--nodeps', but it would be nice to take care of it for other people.

Transaction Check Error:
   file /usr/share/mythtv/themes/mediacentermenu/mainmenu.xml from install of 
mythtv-base-themes-0.26.0-1.fc17.x86_64 conflicts with file from package 
   file /usr/share/mythtv/themes/MythCenter-wide/themeinfo.xml from install of 
mythtv-base-themes-0.26.0-1.fc17.x86_64 conflicts with file from package 

Hi: 0.25.3-290 is from the ATrpms repo, and TTBOMK is the latest build available from there.

0.26.0-1 is from the rpmfusion repo. Traditionally there have been difficulties in using the two repos together.

Obviously there is interest in this - I just thought I should check that you are aware of it :-)

John P

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