I'm still getting the same dependecy errors, even after doing a yum
clean all && yum update

Should I be disabling the atrpms repo?

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Stephen Collier <judi...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> I use 32 bit frontend. It may be that the repo was updating at the time. Try
> again and let me know. You could try yum clean all
> to make sure there isn't a metadata problem.
> Good luck
> Stephen
> Sent from my Samsung GALAXY S4 on the Telstra 4G network
> -------- Original message --------
> From: sdkovacs
> Date:22/07/2014 1:16 AM (GMT+10:00)
> To: ATrpms user list
> Subject: [ATrpms-users] screpo 32-bit dependency errors
> 1) I'm not sure how many of your users are stuck on 32-bit CentOS6,
> but I am one of them. I had to explicitly hardcode i686 as the
> basearch in the repository definition:
> # cat screpo.repo
> [screpo]
> name = screpo
> #baseurl = http://scrpms.net/pub/RPMS/el6/$basearch
> baseurl = http://scrpms.net/pub/RPMS/el6/i686
> enabled=1
> gpgkey=http://scrpms.net/pub/RPM-GPG-KEY.scrpms
> gpgcheck=1
> 2) I'm getting dependency error for qt48 when trying to update. This
> will be the first switchover for me from atrpms.
> --> Running transaction check
> ---> Package nvidia-graphics319.17-kmdl-2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.i686
> 0:319.17-155.1.el6 will be erased
> ---> Package qt48-webkit-devel.i686 1:4.8.5-8.el6 will be installed
> --> Processing Dependency: qt48-webkit(x86-32) = 4.8.5-8.el6 for
> package: 1:qt48-webkit-devel-4.8.5-8.el6.i686
> --> Processing Dependency: qt48-devel(x86-32) = 4.8.5-8.el6 for
> package: 1:qt48-webkit-devel-4.8.5-8.el6.i686
> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
> Error: Package: 1:qt48-webkit-devel-4.8.5-8.el6.i686 (screpo)
>            Requires: qt48-webkit(x86-32) = 4.8.5-8.el6
>            Available: 1:qt48-webkit-4.8.5-8.el6.i686 (screpo)
>                qt48-webkit(x86-32) = 1:4.8.5-8.el6
>                qt48-webkit(x86-32) = 1:4.8.5-8.el6
> Error: Package: 1:qt48-webkit-devel-4.8.5-8.el6.i686 (screpo)
>            Requires: qt48-devel(x86-32) = 4.8.5-8.el6
>            Installing: 1:qt48-devel-4.8.5-8.el6.i686 (screpo)
>                qt48-devel(x86-32) = 1:4.8.5-8.el6
> You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
> You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
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