On 17/11/2014 4:54 am, Derek Burt wrote:
Hello all,

I am seeing this on a fresh install of Centos 7, trying to install the
latest packages (-8) via yum:

Error: Package: mythtv-0.27.4-8.el7.centos.x86_64 (scrpms)
Requires: pkgconfig(mariadb)
Error: Package: mythtv-0.27.4-8.el7.centos.x86_64 (scrpms)
Requires: pkgconfig(mariadb-server)

If I use pkcon to install I get a similar message.  I tried
installing/uninstalling the mariadb and mariadb-server packages to no

I'm new to Centos 7 so perhaps I am missing something?  I have seen
the other threads with regard to the maria/mysql issues so I'm not
sure if this is the same or whether I have done something to cause
this.  So far all I have done is enable the EPEL and atrpms repos
along with the scrpms repo.



I'll have a look later this morning. I'll check if pkgconfig works with mariadb.


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