Hello, I have been learning ATS2, and wanted to chime in. I'm a bit late to 
the party, but I've given these quite a bit of thought. I have more, but I 
need to learn more about ATS2 before being sure enough to suggest them. 
I'll be asking a few things soon :)

I don't have an issue with how 'weak' the type inference is in ATS2. I 
really like how dependent types are handled in ATS2, and the level of 
expressiveness possible with them. I hope changing the template system to 
use simpler types doesn't cripple it.

Here are my ideas for ATS3, sorted from more important to less important in 
each of the 3 categories, numbered for easy reference:

a. Things to add:

1. Compiler flags. Examples:
    --wproof: warn about un`primplement`ed `prfun`s
    --waxiom: warn about axioms
    --wtco: warn about recursive functions that can't be TCO'd.
    --wunused: warn about locals that are never called
    --wstrict: treat `case` as `case+`, `val` as `val+`
    --wsafe: warn about `$UNSAFE` code
    --wall: enable some useful subset of the above warnings
    --wextra: enable all above warnings
    --werror: treat warnings as errors

2. Allow using compiler flags as pragmas at the top of a file, like `#warn 
tco` to warn about any unTCO'd function bodies in the file, or `#warn all` 
for --wall. (could also be `#pragma wall` for flexibility later?)

3. Standardized attribute system to label functions with compiler flags or 
other information/tags, like C# attributes or Java annotations. The closest 
thing to this in ATS2 is the -<keyword> pattern.

4. Have metaprogramming at the level of compile-time code generation. For 
example, implementing a static function that generates optimal matrix 
multiplication for a given callsite's matrix dimensions should be possible. 
Maybe this is already possible in ATS2 and I just don't know it. This would 
depend on (haha) dependent types to know the dimensions of the matrices at 
the callsite. This paper is interesting, I have not read all of it but it 
may be relevant: https://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/stchang/pubs/ckg-popl2017.pdf

b. Things to change:

1. Rename `praxi` to `axiom`, `prfun` to `claim`, `primplement` to `proof`.

2. Force function forward declaration like in haskell, splitting the 
parameter types from parameter names. Pattern matching isn't necessary, the 
syntax is just nicer this way and separates concerns. The caller only needs 
to know the *type* signature.

3. Unite `fun` and `fn`. I do not know why this distinction exists, does it 
make the compiler faster somehow to know that the function may call itself?

c. Things to remove:

1. Remove `andalso` and `orelse`. `&&` and `||` are standard in 
programming, we don't need more keywords to mentally keep track of.

2. Remove `implmnt` and `primplmnt` variants. `fn`/`fun` already sets 
precedent for spelling variations changing meaning, but here the variation 

3. Remove `(**)` comment syntax. It prevents us from using * as prefix 
function, like `(*) 2 1`. `/**/` does not have this issue.

4. Remove mutual function declarations with `and` in favor of private local 
functions that call their parents. The second function in a mutual 
declaration can't be referenced externally anyways, so it would be easier 
to understand the scope. `fnx` is unneeded after a.2

5. Remove `~` unary negation. I don't mean replace it with `-`, I mean take 
it out completely. Just subtract from 0 instead. `~` should be reserved for 
bitwise negation, and `-` for subtraction.

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